Someone has rightly said "A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light to make the way for others."
So to acknowledge the respect, the dedication and the love given by our teachers to us, on September 5, 2011, SJOBA arranged for a movie show for all the teachers of St John's, followed by Lunch at Kava.
The SJOBA Executive extended a warm welcome to all the teachers with roses.
In the end, Mrs.Kavita Das, Principal St John's, thanked SJOBA for the gift in the form of a very enjoyable outing.
In the end, Mrs.Kavita Das, Principal St John's, thanked SJOBA for the gift in the form of a very enjoyable outing.
At Kava, the teachers enjoyed the food as also danced to some peppy tracks, ending the day on a very memorable note.